social media for accountants: do you really need it? this will help you decide!

“If you’re not on social media, if you’re not on LinkedIn; why not?
Why aren’t you using Facebook?
How are you engaging with that part of the market?”


Lets face it –
Your existing clients are on social media.
Your prospective clients are on social media.
Your colleagues are on social media.
Your competition is on social media.

94% of Australians use Facebook. 1.

It has never been more important for accountants to embrace social media platforms for business growth.

79% of Internet users use social networking sites. 59% of Australians use social networking sites at least once a day.

The proportion checking social media more than five times a day has increased to 35%. 2.


Conversations, research and buying decisions take place online

Social Media provides the platforms to help you maintain relationships with current clients while growing your network to attain new clients. Traditionally, the preferred method of finding trusted referrals was people seeking out recommendations from their immediate friends and family, now with extended circles of influence, people are seeking these recommendations via social media platforms.

People are also more likely to inspect a brand’s social media presence before making an online purchase
if they have not purchased from their website before.

It is no longer acceptable to only have a presence in the online space, social media and website, but a requirement to be active and engaging.

Stay Top-of-Mind

All the social media platforms will help you to engage with clients, build your brand and nurture new leads. One of the best ways to do this is by posting good quality content. Your content needs to be unique, insightful and engaging. Your followers won’t stand for being bombarded with advertisements for your products and services.

The average time spent on Facebook is more than 23 minutes with the typical user spending almost 10 hours per week.

Your customers don’t wake up every morning and log on to your website to learn what’s new. However, they are checking their Social Media platforms, multiple times, each and every day.


The average adult spends 90 minutes a day on social media. Keep your network of followers engaged with your firm throughout the year with relevant, interesting articles and educational content. Plus, consistent posts help you build credibility and trust among prospective clients.


You know your firm can benefit from a social media presence. We know how to make it happen. To find out more about what goes into a successful social media strategy contact us today.


1. 2. 3. 4. Sensis Social Media Report 2017


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